May 4, 2008


The miles are adding up fast these days. The last two weeks have been solid 20+ hour weeks with some long days in the saddle being put in. I can't say the weather is still that much fun to be riding in, today was the first day the sun was out in a while, but I still battled the 20mph crosswind at 10mph for a good couple hours. Riding into the headwind is the equivalent of climbing up a pass so instead of suffering into the wind I envision mountains and a steep road in front of me, it doesn't really work but you gotta think about something during some of those mind numbing rides. 101 songs on my ipod were cycled through on the last ride, it was a good ride. Funny I only got in 88 miles in 5 1/2 hours, those are hard fought miles though and I never really care about mileage as much as I do about time.

I missed the first WORS race today hoping to finish off my base miles before ramping up the efforts. Only one more week to go and then I can turn off the governor and blow out the carbon, maybe I'll make the next one. I heard Matter got 5th and he's only been training for 3 weeks, he must have been secret training in between sanding his floors. My new mountain bike is stans'd up and ready to race after a couple good rides on it so I should be set to hit the dirt soon and test it out for real. One more week.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully most of those 101 songs were from the Chicago's Greatest Hits Album... I can't imagine riding without hearing those classics!

Mark said...

what headphones do you use on your rides?