March 1, 2010

Plenty of snow out there in the fields yet, luckily the roads have been clear and other than a few drifts blowing over a few back roads it's been decent for riding. This weekend was good despite the long work schedule and I was able to get out Saturday and Sunday both for some longer endurance rides. From my new house I am in a lot better area for riding and there are tons of small steep climbs instead of flat wind blown farm fields so I actually got in over 4000ft of climbing in a 4 hour ride, not too bad for eastern WI. That's a pretty long ride for me but it felt good and with the sun poking through 3 hours in I got a little solar power the last hour. The sun shining down on the snow late in the afternoon looked pretty cool but it looks like my phone didn't capture the sparkle.

Jamie has been training for a 1/2 marathon in May so she has been putting in the miles, Ellie doesn't mind entertaining herself anymore and sits happily on her throne while Jamie pounds out some miles.
Ellie also likes playing with paper so I kept her entertained for about an hour one day with a newspaper. She just sits there and crumples it and makes noise with it while I work on the computer. Works for me.


~ Tandis ~ said...

That's a neat pic of your shadow. A possible piece of art for your new house?

Anonymous said...

Was she all black from the newspaper ink after that?