July 17, 2006

Baby Steps

Yesterday I ventured back into the world of bike racing. It's been close to two months since I've pinned a number, numbered my bottles, and checked my tire pressure.
I picked a tough one to start things back off with. Temperature hovering around the upper 90's and 90% humidity make one sticky, oven like day.
It was tough, two months completely off of racing and hard workouts had me wondering if I could even finish, especially with the heat, but I decided it's time to test the water again and see if I can blow the cobwebs out.
I hovered around 15th place for the first two laps as I suffered around the course, I wasn't feeling anything special, mostly that I was slow and out of shape, but by the end of the 3rd lap things started to feel a bit more normal and by the fourth lap I was picking up the riders that had hit it a bit too hard early on, giving me the motivation and encouragement I needed to come away with a positive race experience. I was worked at the finish, but it felt good to be out at the races again and hopefully I can turn these baby steps back into some solid rides. WORS results HERE
Jamie was my pro soigner, standing two hours in the furnace to keep me hydrated and cool with cytomax and cold bottle for my head and back each lap. She even had an ice cold wet towel for me at the finish which was the highlight of the race, thanks for keeping me cool and alive out there.

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