September 27, 2012

It was pretty awesome to have full support at the race and anyone there saw what that support entails. As the season goes on and a few more road racers are coming to the races we will fill in the tents nice and really appreciate the canopy when the weahter gets bad.

The new bieks and wheels are great. This last week I have felt really good and comfortable on them, sometimes it jsut takes those race efforts to break yourself and a bike in and feel good on it and I think I have it now.

The races themselves weren't exactly what I was looking for but looking back they were both ok results. I've had great results some years in Madison and I'm always looking for those, but they weren't in the legs the first day out. I realized I haven't raced in about 5 weeks other than Chequamegon and I was missing some top end snap and speed but considering the length of the season there is a long way to go and if having a bad day is 13th I'll take that.

This weekend I am flying to Boston for the Gloucester GP. I've been there a couple years in a row now and last year teh course was great. Jesse Anthony should be there to race with also so that will be fun to hear about his season.

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