October 10, 2006

Last Days

It's the time of year when I get out on the cycle one more time before storage and let er loose. Each day seems like it could be the last nice one for awhile so you'd better take advantage.
I'm still trying to recover from Sunday's hamstringing, yesterday felt good compared to today, currently it feels like someone beat on the back of my legs with a 2x4 for half an hour. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get my leg over the saddle for another recovery ride. I think my legs would actually feel good right now if they hadn't cramped so bad.
I've started packing for the trip east, boxes of powerbars/gels, cytomax, tires, tubes, tools and everything else you might need to race for two months - it's a daunting task.

I'm having a garage sale. Too many bikes dad says.
One here, and one here. That will have to do dad, I'm keeping the rest.

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